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By Boltman686
#94973 I'm sorry If this has been brought Up before But I like to maybe give some friendly suggestions with Mods I'm big Fans Of. Basically Put. Some Biomes may turn out to be Over crowded with new additions being made.
I checked the Other Dimensions being the Nether and the end and Obviously they were empty. [Except the enderdragon]. Why Not Giratina Spawn In the End. It Kinda Take a distortion world like of Look. Why Not spawn some Unknown Spawn in their as well. And the Nether could be a Great Place for some Impressive PixelMon to be spawned their as well. Could be a great Place to Fine Groudon, Larvesta's, Heatran.

Thats Pretty much all, just a suggestion for future updates to give players more reason to travel to other dimensions.

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By IceMan8030
#94979 One great thing about Pixelmons future updates to minecraft 1.7 is they have added like 7 new biomes for out devs to set poke spawns in so that will allow them to move pokespawns around and cut down on the variates spawning in each biome.
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By Boltman686
IceMan8030 wrote:One great thing about Pixelmons future updates to minecraft 1.7 is they have added like 7 new biomes for out devs to set poke spawns in so that will allow them to move pokespawns around and cut down on the variates spawning in each biome.

True and im glad that's a Thing. But that shouldn't be a reason to not add to the Dimentions.
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By Boltman686
#95424 ahhh, well thanks for the input on the matter. I don't see why not as the mod itself takes from the dimension but doesn't add to them. But I respect the decisions on the matter as My input can be taken.