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By Reinen
#95052 Hey im giving a shout out for all those great people who helped make those good models/art and more! (im not a developer nor have anything productive, dont judge) i feel like all the pixelmon community(?) should hear are thanks for the best mod that the world of minecraft has ever saw. Pixelmon is the great how it is but like any other competetive pokemon trainer we want more pokemon and legendaries! off topic, but i believe they need a break (especially for the holidays). my details cannot explain my thoughts about pixelmon becouse it is bringing something from back in the day, even untill now into a game people already love. So thank your SPG Mr Mach and everyone who developed Pixelmon. -Reinen out

#95056 We're glad you like the mod :D
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By Animalol
#95099 We appreciate when someone takes time out of their day to give all of the people who work hard on the mod thanks.
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By Reinen
#95722 Happy holidays everybody!