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By bossrunner456
#95122 What I find very annoying is when you can't find another biome that comtains new Pixelmon. I was thinking that to myself when I was creating another survival world. I wanted to spawn in a forest biome, so I took a chance and typed the word "forest" without quotes into the seed box. Just two minutes later, I discovered that I has entered a seed that spawns you beside an Extreme Hills area that's surrounded by almost all the biomes! You spawn between the ext. hills and a jungle. Go west along the hill's perimeter to find a swamp, a forest with taiga on the other side and a desert with a plain on the other side. The only one absent is the icy plains. If you find one close to the rest, please post its coordinates. Want to catch 'em all? Use this seed!

#95195 Sounds great, i could totally use this seed with some of my Beta testing work. Thank you :)