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By FadeAway_
#95421 I would think that it seems just obvious that a cycles mod would be added to pixlmon. I don't know a whole lot of programming but I don't see why it would be too difficult if you got the nod from the Pokecycle developers. I've played it on singleplayer with pixelmon and it is just alot of fun to ride the cycles. It adds another big part of the Pokemon game to minecraft.



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By FadeAway_
MrMasochism wrote:why on earth would you post that in such huge font and bold? It's pretty obnoxious!
I don't see what you mean, my text looks about normal size actually. :)
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FadeAway_ wrote:
MrMasochism wrote:why on earth would you post that in such huge font and bold? It's pretty obnoxious!
I don't see what you mean, my text looks about normal size actually. :)

because i changed it after i saw your report, please dont be a smart alec