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By n10si t
#95502 Will a version of Pixelmon 3.0 be released for 1.6.4? From what I can see on Forge's Github, they are no where near done, and I really don't want to wait for them to be finished to play Pixelmon, especially with all the exciting new updates coming in 3.0.

By n10si t
MrMasochism wrote:Probably not

Thanks for the reply. I have another question about development, though. Are you creating 3.0 on 1.7.2 without forge? Or are you making it on 1.6.4 and then waiting to move it over to 1.7.2 on forges release?
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#95517 making a mod for 1.7.2 without forge is next to impossible (not really but its not worth our time and it wouldnt be compatible with any mods in 1.7.2 anymore)
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By MrMasochism
#95520 We are currently just developing stuff that won't change with the update to forge. After we get forge we'll start working on transitioning over, then working on the new features that wouldn't have been worth adding prior to the update
By Captain Russia
#96075 In regards to your reply MrMasochism, do you plan on releasing Pixelmon as soon as the new Forge is out? Or wait and add all the new 1.7+ features which would take longer? (Pixelmon users tend to freak out at extended release dates - or even release dates at all.)
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By enkilleridos
#96081 The new Forge is out. It came out today, just wait. When they know more they will tell us.
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By MrMasochism
#96112 The new forge is ridiculously glitchy to the point of not even being able to install it properly in a dev environment. Will be january before we can start the work of bringing it through and I'm on holiday and away from a computer for half of january
By n10si t
MrMasochism wrote:The new forge is ridiculously glitchy to the point of not even being able to install it properly in a dev environment. Will be january before we can start the work of bringing it through and I'm on holiday and away from a computer for half of january

If this is the case, I would suggest a release of 3.0 for 1.6.4. Just my opinion, but waiting another 3 weeks or more for this mod to be updated won't be good for anybody.