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By skillz376
#95761 I built my base in a jungle biome and started to clear out some of the trees and bushes. I noticed that pokemon would not spawn on the grass. Image

I was wondering if I replaced the grass with leaves would jungle pokemon start spawning again?

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#96002 Pokemon spawn on grass rather than leaves. You have to sometimes load and unload chunks in order to get pokemon to spawn. If you don't know what that means, it means just simply running far away, then coming straight back.
By Vikerus
#96068 The short answer is yes, but are you actually in the jungle biome or just putting leaves in a different one?
By skillz376
Vikerus wrote:The short answer is yes, but are you actually in the jungle biome or just putting leaves in a different one?

I am actually in a jungle biome. Here are some more pictures after laying out more leaves.ImageImage
I haven't seen any pokemon spawn on the leaves yet.

I also want to add that these are all junge leaves not oak leaves. There are jungle logs under the leaves, one for every 3x3 square
By Airth
#96245 well I am pretty sure there spawn rate depends on everything, trees, leaves tallgrass ferns