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By ChaosDream
#95997 Hello everyone

Im new to Minecraf itself and this looked really fun. This will infact be my first time using Minecraft.

I was watching HeroesNFools youtube channel and i found Pixelmon(its sooo funny). I am not looking to make my own server so I'd like to join a server just to see how things work and figure out Minecraft.

If anyone has any suggestions on something i should watch or read to get a better grasp on Minecraft please let me know. I'd also love some suggestions on what server i should join and where i could find some servers at for Pixelmon( in the forums?).

Anyways thanks for reading and i hope this is as much fun as it looks.

I have it installed and working now to just find a server~

By ChaosDream
#96004 Hello MoeBoy76,

I really had no other interest in minecraft till i found this Pokemon world within it haha so i hope it wont be too frustrating to figure out.

thanks for the advice and the link. i found the list shortly after posting with a bit more digging.