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By IdeasMen123
#96844 Hello, wondering if any guys/girls can help me get on track on starting coding, any preferred websites or videos would be very helpful.

Mainly wanting to code plugins for bukkit servers.

By gilbert12888
#96847 I started messing around with MCP and eclipse, using the java docs for syntax help. is good for learning to think like a programmer. The best advice I can give is to fool around. Decide on a task, and try to complete it with java. Google is your best friend.
By Atuw
#96850 Also (adding to the post above me) you could watch this video.


It really helped me out when I started developing in bukkit. Even though I'm still not very good xD. Just know that, like anything else, it takes time and patience to learn how to code. But if you stick with it, you will learn. And it can be very rewarding. Hope this helps. Have a good day! :)