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By OverlordDerp
#97997 As the title suggests, I've been having problems with trying to keep a 5x5x5 room free of Golbats, Zubats, Haunters and Gastlys (Gastlies? Gastlii?). The house is underground, at about y-level 44-48. I could make the entire room out of glowstone, and even after testing that out, they STILL spawn. I am close to a cave system, but only about 10 blocks near it, so do I have to light up the ENTIRE cave system before I stop having these problems?

If I'm going about this wrong, is there something anyone could suggest to me to fix this aside from changing the spawn rates in the config? I don't really want to gimp the world's spawn rates because of one room.

EDIT: For reference, I have 2 other, larger rooms smack-dab in the middle of an unlit cave system, and they haven't spawned a single thing.