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By awesomeguy5689
#102058 My first shiny in the ds series was on black and it was a rufflet. On pixelmon it was Vulpix and I evolved it. It was on a server so when the server restarted it disappeared. But my only current shiny is a drifblim on tiny turtles server
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By Vessica
#102102 Wow, I read all your posts and thank you for sharing. First of all, I hate when you find a shiny and you can't catch it because of some reason. Also, it is very exciting to hear about your shinies that you caught first. It really is exciting. When I saw my first shiny, I was just breathless. Even if it's not the best shiny, give it a chance. Well thank you all for contributing! :D
By Airth
#102598 mareep