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By sauleviticus
#100675 Only the FIRST paragraph is the question, the rest is ranting.

The question is, can you make Pixelmon not spawn naturally in the world? I am making a map for when Pixelmon 3.0 comes out. I want every Pixelmon/Pokemon to spawn using the spawners only. That way, like the games, I can have you find stronger Pokemon while you go through your adventure. I want them to only spawn near the tall grass and generally be as close to the Pokemon games as possible. If you want to hear about what i'm doing, read the paragraph below but otherwise please answer the question if you know it or not.


I'm making two maps (maybe three) that are similar to the games. I'm using redstone to jump the player from instance to instance. Command blocks will tell you where you go, and press a button to jump from area to area. The reason I did this is because I don't want Pixelmon stepping on a pressure plate and throwing you into an area you didn't want to go (if there was an easier solution, it's probably because of my lack of redstone/command block knowledge). I'm using four high walls to block the players vision to the superflat land around them (Three leaves on top of a log to look like mini trees). This also means i'm making the game completely flat. Yes, I know a 3d map would look more amazing but the games really didn't look 3D. You may be asking, well what about the ledges. Well to do them, I just put fence in the way and a slab helps you jump over it. :P

I'm calling these maps, PixelMon: Zombie Version and PixelMon: Skeleton Version. If I make a third, it will be PixelMon: PigZombie Version. Each version has different pokemon you will be able to find and the third will most likely have all gens of pokemon. All of them will at least have 1st Gen Pokemon in it but other then that, I can't say what Pokemon you will see.

This will be a big project (Even if it's flat) and currently i'm doing it by myself for now. Maybe if I find it to much i'll ask for help. This map won't be a replica of any of the games. This is a "whole new region" that i'm designing and hopefully it's cool even though i'm making it as flat as possible (excluding structures like buildings, cave entrances, ect).

Anyways, thanks for reading and if this is in the wrong place, i'm sorry. I'm bad with forums but good at ranting. xD
If you also want to comment about my project, feel free. I would like opinions or thoughts on this too. :)

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By Aichu
#100676 Didnt you see the update? update will add pokespawner. i'm pretty sure you can spawn poke out of that ,but i dont know how you can get rid off other pokemon that spawn by the world not spawner.
By sauleviticus
Aichu wrote:Didnt you see the update? update will add pokespawner. i'm pretty sure you can spawn poke out of that ,but i dont know how you can get rid off other pokemon that spawn by the world not spawner.

Yeah I knew about the spawner which is why I was asking if there was a way to turn off the other Pixelmon spawning naturally. If i'm making a map and an area is meant to only have Pidgey and Caterpie in the grass. I don't want to see a Lv. 54 Magmar or something crazy like that randomly attacking the player. That would ruin it and make the map more annoying then fun. Plus, I don't want Pokemon roaming the streets of towns. Only trainer battles should be happening there imo. So if anyone knows if there is a way (or if a way in the future) to turn off natural spawning of Pixelmon... please let me know. :)
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By Aichu
#100679 Hmm... and i also like the idea and they have to add to pokespawner disabled pokemon and stuff like that. and im pretty sure alot of people are trying to get rid of pokemons , but yeah .