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By The_Gameing_Cake
#108897 Yes, Im happy salamance and torchic are getting added. I have a good team in pokemon and im planning on having it on pixelmon , exept that I need like 1-2 pokemon from generation 4 and 5.
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By shadoowner
#109008 I honestly dont know what Im gonna love most in 3.0, there are sooo many awesome new features and pokemon in pixelmon but if i really have to pick its ampharos since that will be my first model in pixelmon :P and the spawners to make my kanto/johto adventure server perfect :)
By cyanide64
TheOtakuLife wrote:I am reaally excitied too i pre ordered a shiny kyogre on my main server that i play on


I can't wait for the new spawn mechanics and custom trainers. It's going to eat through a ton of my time.