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By Smarticus14
#105706 I just can't wait to see all the new pokemon they are adding in. and about that map thing the voxelbox was supposed to be done with a kanto region map a couple days ago which they are going to add the spawners to once the update comes out.
By jeremy58589721
#106054 BREEDING!!! i sure hope they were able to put it in with egg moves and such. :D

breeding will make pixelmon feel amazing, no more wild hunting for certain natures. now you can just sit back and breed eggs until you get what you want, which will be 100% easier as no need to waste balls on those who wont get caught lol and no need to run around hoping the pokemon you want spawns for you can catch them and hope it has the nature and IVs you want :O
By Neros64
Krotuskang wrote:I am personally looking forward to the side-mods that are coming out with it.

What other side mods they adding other then PokeLoot?

I think this is one of the main things I'm looking forward to that or them being compatible with biome mods like ExtraLarge Biomes XL.
By Ryvrsong
Blaster wrote:>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Need i say more?

I'm actually looking forward to everything :D I must say, Torchic is my favorite. BUT I'm really looking forward to the breeding. That is just... so awesome :D