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By mclovinislegit
#101919 Hey, so I saw MrMasochism post a comment saying that 3.0 will be for 1.6.4 and then they will update at a later stage? Is this true? I think more than likely it is because he himself said it. Anyways, I think this is the best idea because they would still have to wait for a stable version of Forge to come out.

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By IceMan8030
#101926 mclovinislegit,

I looked through to see if Mr.M said that the 3.0 release would definitely be for 1.6.4 and I couldn't find where he said that. I know he had planned on releasing 3.0 for 1.6.4 if forge did not have a stable platform for 1.7 by the time he got back from vacation. I know he is back now and as far as I know forge does not have a stable 1.7 platform but hope to have one this week.

