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By Lapras131
#102562 Hello,

I recently made a new world for survival, and I can't seem to find any pokecenters. I've seen them on some maps of mine, but on other maps they are non-existant. Does anybody know if this is a seed thing? And if it is, what are some good seeds for pokecenters? I am also running the pokemart side mod that spawns pokemarts, and I can't find any of them either... Anyway, thanks!


By Lapras131
gravenfire45 wrote:did you create the world before downloading pixelmon?

?No, but I was using the ruins mod at the time. Is is possible that the two world gens are canceling each other out?
By JJL1000
#103352 I heard of a command. Do /help and keep looking until you find the command I'm talking about. But it spawns Pokecenters.
Knock Knock?
Who's there?
*slams door in your face*
By Lapras131
#105237 Does anybody know how exactly /struc works? Seems kinda finicky to me...
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By Some Body
#105242 The only structure in Pixelmon at the moment is the Pokémon center ("pokecenter"). Presumably, future updates will introduce more structures that can be used as the argument for /struc, so even if it seems redundant to type an extra word for now, the command was made with the future in mind.
By Lapras131
#105303 Hmm, I have the pokemart sidemod also installed, and the command spawned a pokecenter in a superflat world. I didn't see anything like this anywhere in the pokemart thread, so I thought that it might have been an unannounced to spawn any structure, so I tried spawning a stronghold. Needless to say it didn't work. Also, if it is for testing, I've only gotten it to work in plains and forest biomes, just so you know. Other biomes it does nothing.