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By Turtylx
#107718 In regards to new biomes, when you move make the map 1.7.4, new biomes generally are generated in unloaded chunks. So you won't have to world edit any biomes in. We had the same concerns with a normal Minecraft server, however when we updated, new biomes were introduced automatically.

By Atuw
#108640 SPG and MrM said that a while ago when forge for 1.7 was still buggy. It will most likely be released for 1.7 now, but I could be wrong.

EDIT: I was wrong, Burgy has confirmed that 3.0 will be in 1.6.4 here - viewtopic.php?f=133&t=12896
By JustNitz
#108689 It's coming for 1.6.4 but it will be updated to 1.7 at a later date. and if you want to test if it wil break a map go make a map on single player in 1.6.4 and then load it up on 1.7.4