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By NovaStarShip
#103397 So i recently have discovered Pixlemon, and i am a HUGE fan of Pokemon so this to me looks really good but unfortunately i have Minecraft for the Ps3. So this post goes out to the creator or anyone with the actual say so, IS THERE A Download OR WILL THERE BE A Download FOR Minecraft USERS THAT ARE ON PS3 SO WE TOO CAN ENJOY PIXLEMON ??? :!: :?: :!:

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#103421 nope
for a few reasons really
you cant mod the ps3 version
ps3 uses C++ not java
a nintendo ip on a sony platform? no copyright issue there or anything
By NovaStarShip
#103499 Why not make a word because ik we got the seed generator and just make a world of pixelmon for ps3 users and put it up on the PSN and we can pay like 20$ for it ( ik I would ) and when we go to make a new world we type it pixelmoan on the seed generator and then boom it loads out the the pixelmoan world and we can begin raising pokemon on ps3 and you could even do it for the xbox360 and xboxone too, I see a lot of money comming in and I see satisfied customers right there with that pixelmoan download
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#103506 no, what im saying is that it will never happen and will only be on the PC
By Copy Cat Master
#103527 PC ftw. #Justsaying.
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By redrafter
#103743 Do they even have mods for consoles right now?

Even if they did, I thought I heard somewhere that they won't be using user-made mods, and would be using mods they created themselves.
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By MrMasochism
redrafter wrote:Do they even have mods for consoles right now?

Even if they did, I thought I heard somewhere that they won't be using user-made mods, and would be using mods they created themselves.

That wouldn't be a mod then though...