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By Trentosarus
#103698 I was wondering how do someone make a pokemon a lower level?

In CraftBattleDuty and LittleLizzard sneak peak of 3.0 videos they had a level 2 or 3 fully evolve pokemon which is highly not possible to do, how do I make a pokemon that low level and even if its fully evolved? Please help and thanks.

I do not want trolls, or abuse mods that would more likely close this thread for a bull shit reason, thanks.

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By Some Body
#103700 You can do it with this command if you have cheats enabled: "/pokespawn <Pokémon> lvl<level>"

For example, if you want an impossibly low leveled Dragonite, you could do something like "/pokespawn dragonite lvl2"
By Trentosarus
Some Body wrote:You can do it with this command if you have cheats enabled: "/pokespawn <Pokémon> lvl<level>"

For example, if you want an impossibly low leveled Dragonite, you could do something like "/pokespawn dragonite lvl2"

Thanks! Thanks so much for your help! I needed to know because im preparing my server for 3.0 and going to have an Mewtwo event.
By Lapras131
#103729 Is this a 3.0 thing that only beta testers have now or is it a 2.5.7 thing also?
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By Some Body
#103733 This command has existed for a while now. If your world has cheats enabled then you can use it.
By Lapras131
#104021 I knew the command existed but I never knew that you could specify levels.
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By RageocidalSpyke
#104043 The way you would make a lower level pixelmon is simple. Lets say you want a level 1 Gengar, this is the command you would type. /pokespawn Gengar lvl1. Lets say you dont want to have to battle it or waste a pokeball. Then you can do /pokegive [your username] Gengar lvl1. If you want to look at a pixelmon with out it moving? /freeze. Then the last important command it how to spawn a shiny. You would do /pokespawn gengar s. You can also make it a level 1 shiny with this. /pokespawn Gengar lvl1 s. And you can do the pokegive equivilent. I hope that I was helpful!