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By RJplays
#104392 I remember in a way older version of Pixelmon, there was a feature where you could punch pokemon. I'm sure that was removed for being too overpowered, but I was womdering if we could have it so we could turn that on or off in te config files.

By Copy Cat Master
#104398 It was removed because people abuse it, though. People punch the pokemon until the pokemon have low health then try to catch it.
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By RageocidalSpyke
#104450 Ya, I didnt like that version. I know where your coming from RJ but the thing is, if you turned it on on your server or single player you would get bored fast.
You could just catch any pokemon with out wasting anything!
By Smarticus14
#105723 DarthFoot why did you post that! now people are going to start using that glitch to make catching pokemon easier again. They should probably fix that very quickly.
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By DarthFoot
Smarticus14 wrote:DarthFoot why did you post that! now people are going to start using that glitch to make catching pokemon easier again. They should probably fix that very quickly.

They should, but i didnt use it to capture them. If people are gonna use that to capture pixelmon that means they are ruining the fun for themselves