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By IceMan8030
#105032 BloodRaptor,

In the latest 2.5.7 update there is a config option to increase the spawn rates of legendary pokemon. It is not a time limit spawn rate but it is based on the number of spawns in the chunk.


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By IceMan8030
#105038 To figure out the best number you will just have to play around with it. Set it to a certain number maybe 500 which is half of the default and play for a few hours, if you don't like the spawn rate change it accordingly. Also I can tell you that we messed around with the spawn rates on my lets play server and Rayquaza's were spawning in like crazy and it took a lot of the fun out of the game.
By EmperorEhryn
#105142 Yeah.

Imagine it like this

Setting it to 2,000 would be like 1 in every 2,000 is legendary

setting it to 1 would always be legendary

Setting it to 10,000 you'd probably like never see one with just 3 people on at a time as you'd have to be going in and out of biomes so fast to get things to spawn it'd just have to rely on freak luck