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By EmperorEhryn
#105102 When I was a little kid and Pokemon came out I was legit stoked. Had the cards had the games and Charizard was like the coolest thing since 25 cent hamburgers.

The core games have time and time again added crazy new pokemon and ideas but the one thing I just wanted so bad (asides from 25 cent hamburgers to come back) is a pokemon MMO with all the pokemon available.

And bam


Not even 50 cent hamburgers would get me this excited.

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By FroggerTkL
#105629 Who doesnt love Pixelmon? :3
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Smarticus14 wrote:SPG, are you a liar or a troll because if you didn't love pixelmon you wouldn't be posting on these forums

thats actuallly not true, but i am being serious, i have my reasons, you join the team to fix the problem, not complain about it