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By Smarticus14
#105696 If you are on a server it depends on whether the admins knows which files to transfer over, if they are still compatible, and probably only on single player if you know which files to exchange. But most people don't know which files so yes your items and pixelmon will most likely be wiped.
By EmperorEhryn
MrMasochism wrote:No, that's untrue. No pokemon should be lost through an upgrade

I left a server once because he lost everyone's info when updating pixelmon. Which made me livid cause I lost my shiny Rapidash I had like, just caught cause of it

I wanted to cry

3.0 will be for 1.6.4 still correct?
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EmperorEhryn wrote:
MrMasochism wrote:No, that's untrue. No pokemon should be lost through an upgrade

I left a server once because he lost everyone's info when updating pixelmon. Which made me livid cause I lost my shiny Rapidash I had like, just caught cause of it

I wanted to cry

3.0 will be for 1.6.4 still correct?

thats the server owner not doing something correctly, not because there was a new update, and yes, 3.0 will be on 1.6.4 then onto 1.7.x when forge is stable enough for release