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By Turtylx
#105933 After viewing the YouTube videos, it left me with a few questions regarding both topics listed in the title of this thread.
I know that'd we'd have to wait until it comes out however if anyone knows anything it'd be a great help as I am currently building a Custom Map for a server and need some advice into how to go about a few things.

Will disabling Pixelmon spawning in the config files cause Pixelmon not to spawn from the spawners?
Is there another option being implemented into the config files to support this?

Is there an option for trainers to be battled only once, but by a number of players?
For example, NPC Gym leaders? I do know that you can have them give the badge when they lose, however the question is whether or not they can be battled once and only once by a single player, but other players can still battle them.

If anyone does know any details, it'd be much appreciated :)

By Turtylx
#106563 Another question about Trainers.

Do can trainers battle more than one player at a time? With a new server, we don't really want players bypassing trainers and skipping most of the campaign.