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By Keksia
#106236 I've just released a new server list for Pixelmon from the same system we use on and I'm also working on a huge rewrite of the system to include great new search and tracking features, all of which are free of course, so I'm interested to hear from the Pixelmon community what you would like to see? Maybe a guide to setting up Pixelmon server side and client side?

You can find the new server list at:

Please leave comments below or contact us using the support system on the site.

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By DutchKroket
#106523 Wow this is actually amazing! I'll place this somewhere on the servers section so people can see this. This is amazing! Thanks alot!

By Keksia
#107897 @DutchKroket: Would you be able to tell me if the Pixelmon team are open to making this partnership official? Please PM me as I can't seem to do that yet. Thanks.