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By AlchemistSun
#106613 Lately I've been bored with Pixlemon so I've decided on trying some new mods that I'm pretty sure are not compatible with Pixlemon but i'm waiting to remove it from the mods folder till I fully know what will happen. Thank you fro reading this and feel free to give me answers for my question~Alch

By Ajv123
AlchemistSun wrote:Lately I've been bored with Pixlemon so I've decided on trying some new mods that I'm pretty sure are not compatible with Pixlemon but i'm waiting to remove it from the mods folder till I fully know what will happen. Thank you fro reading this and feel free to give me answers for my question~Alch

My experiences u can usually just remove it from the folder and ur done. Hope I helped :D
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#106840 you can remove it, but keep this in mind, if you load up your world with pixelmon items, they'll disappear, aka healers pcs apricorns etc. your pokemon will be fine though, so if you do this, just dont load your pixelmon world and it will be unaffected
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By Jack_Attack12
#106927 You could always copy your world and paste it again, and just use one for your other mods for the copied version of your map. And download pixelmon again and use the first world.(if this makes sense. Its hard to word xD Sorry.)