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By DerpyChihuahua
#106845 Um, hi. I'm new to this site and I am planning to get Pixelmon when 3.0 comes out. I was wondering if it would work for the current Minecraft version or a lower one. If so, how can I download it with the file and everything I need to get the mod? Thank you!

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By DerpyChihuahua
#106898 Thanks. c: Can you show me how to download 1.6 to get the folders and things? I only have 1.7 and when I go to download lower versions it only does 1.5. Any suggestions?
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By FroggerTkL
SPG wrote:3.0 will come out on 1.6.4 then we'll release a hot fix for 1.7.x when forge is stable

I thought Forge 1.7 was stable...
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By Blaster
#107075 As I keep saying: Forge, while getting closer, is no ware near ready for developers yet. Its like the 1.3 update so be paitent
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By RomeoSync
#107232 they probaly are un aware to when forge should be stable since forge has been unable to cope with 1.7
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By RomeoSync
#107233 so the hotfix will most likely not out for a long time considering the info above