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By Aichu
#107336 I mean , i've been trying to get ditto in 1 server for ages xD

By Milo
#107381 Does it explode and have mewtwo kill us all and have him run out the window still or is like fossil and it goes straight into the pokeballs lol
By saxojam
#107384 Ditto wasn't in the game, didn't work
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Milo wrote:Does it explode and have mewtwo kill us all and have him run out the window still or is like fossil and it goes straight into the pokeballs lol

no, read the description of the video, he comes out of the machine, but he doesnt blow anything up, you still have to battle mewtwo
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By Aichu
#107392 it spawns in plains , but in servers its super hard to find because the LAG!