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By ace10102
#108085 hey, for a while now i have been using pixelmon in full compatibility with thaumcraft and optifine(i also have pokeradar and code-chicken-core because earlier i had NEI). just that, today it started crashing on me, if i take out thaumcraft it starts working, or if i take out optifine it starts working also. the other two mods do nothing. can anyone tell me why it is only today that the two mods become incompatible? it says that they are incompatible on the incompatibilities page, but i had it working 100%?
any help?

By ace10102
#108093 and if i post the crash report in the support section they'll just say its thaumcraft incompatibility, it does say that pixelmon and thaumcraft are incompatible on the incompatibilities page.
By Copy Cat Master
SuchArceus wrote:I think I remember a post about the incompatibility of NEI and pixelmon.

"(i also have pokeradar and code-chicken-core because earlier i had NEI)"

He said he had it, though. Just saying.