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By dragon_venom21
#108564 I was watching videos on GhostWolfGames's channel and while i was watching i found a series he has called Server Of The Giant Pixelmon. In that series the pokemon taht spawn can go up to lvl 255. i was wondering how he was able to do that and if it is open to the public.

By Airth
#108569 most likely he had a 3rd party coder for that or did it himself
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#108601 actually, ghost can code for him self, its rather simple to do, just edit the database, how? look it up, i cant tell you
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By SuchArceus
#109049 Its actually really easy, just edit the database no coding involved. I hate it how some people think something is really complexed when its simple. Im not saying that pixelmon was easy to make though, that requires coding rather than just editing stuff.
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By shadoowner
#109150 Its not that simple :P the database is locked for non-pixelmon staff so other people cant edit it atm
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#109171 This is a server we are making on our server it's our violet server and we will notify players when its open for full release
By Devias1987
#110427 Shadoowner it is quite easy its still possible since the creators of Elite Pixelmon Island still do it