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By IdeasMen123
#109275 I was just scrolling through youtube, mainly Minecraft related, and suddenly came upon this video. These dudes named Teamcraft, but they were all different youtubers that got millions of subscribers when I checked, and it was a video asking them their favorite add-on to minecraft. And I just couldn't stop smiling the whole time, because some of them said that their favorite was Pixelmon. I'm just glad that Pixelmon is very popular, because I love it so much, and I fear that the developers will get discourage about keeping on working on Pixelmon if the popularity was bad. But now I know it must be darn good, having these million subscriber people compliment Pixelmon like that, out of everything else in Minecraft, out of all the other thousands of mods out there, they chose to say Pixelmon.

A true honor to be apart of the community and playing this mod, no not mod, Pixelmon :) Great job developers, I wish I could do more then play the mod and donating.

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By Alzari
#109813 Yea Good job devs! nice work