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By pegguinni128
#110992 Well, how? I'm personally going for Lachlan, Ghost, or Lizard. Vote in the comments! (because I can't figure out how to do a poll :/)

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#110994 well, im going to be in all of them, so im going to watch them all! sort of.... not really
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By Animalol
#111162 I'll most likely be in AnDwHaT's stream, as we'll both be streaming together there. Perhaps, I have not quite made up my mind yet.
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By EbenL
#111352 i'll be watching PyroBlock, i really liked his previous videos so i'll be watching him. but i might switch to ghostwolf for like 10 min cause i think it was nice how he kept showing us how he was solving the bugs :)
but i will mostly be watching Pyroblock :p