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By ToAd399
#111034 Hey guys!
Im looking for a server thats well maintained with mature and helpful staff that do not abuse their powers, for example changing warp points because someone has built a shop right on the teleport area and the admin changes it just to cause trouble!

Its hard to find a good server when some servers offer rewards like coins and candys for voting for them which bumps them up the ranks and all the good servers that dont need to do this are right down the ranks list, so this is why i created this post to find them awesome servers with great communitys that dont need to bribe players into voting for their server! Me and a few people on the pixelmoncraft server was treated horribly by the owner/co owner and their admins, to the point where myself and another member vowed never to go on that server again even though we had donated money to it and loved being there!

So we are on the look out for servers with..

-crafting allowed(with crafting tables to create tools,pokeballs etc)
-to not lose items on death(saved inventory)
-mining for materials to build your house and make things is allowed
-can claim land for free with the golden shovel that no one can build on or take stuff from you chests without your permission
-gyms with badges to be won

thats all i can think of right now! please any servers reply with as much information as possible!

Thankyou ;D

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By redrafter
#111224 I'm on a server with all of those specific things other than the golden shovel claim. It's a smaller server, so almost all people are nice. Those that do grief or cause trouble are punished/banned, and a mod/admin/owner will quickly see to it that your stuff is rolled back/returned. We all have fun, but the mods and up are very mature about their jobs, and only want the best for the players. Crafting is allowed, gyms are added, keep-inventory is on, and you can mine for things, etc. First you have to get your starter to level 20, have a mod promote you, and you're good to go. :]

If you're interested:
Or just log in from the IP at:
By Copy Cat Master
#111228 I am currently playing on this server ( - They have good community and the stuff that you are looking for but we use //wand instead the gold shovel. Also, the owners, admins, gym leaders are active.