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By vigo27
#111043 I have a question, the streaming is today at night, and the pixelmon 3.0 are at the end of the streaming on saturday, or the streaming are saturday and the pixelmon 3.0 add sunday?

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By Aichu
#111046 I Hope they will add when they start it or atleast end it.
By zmann16
#111057 I think they are gonna do it like last time with the 2.5 update like release it after the stream
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By Aichu
#111062 Can i have UTC/GMT +2 hours time?
By TheNew4
#111197 Can't wait for the stream and the release :) I hope the site won't crash after the stream when people can start downloading it lol
By vigo27
release after the stream around 7-8 pm cst (Saturday)

im confused, now is 7:30 pm in londres time, so its now? how meny missing hours?