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By RandomMandum
#111176 It says you just have to be registered on the forums to get in, i am guessing there will be some type of randomizer used, as it is kinda the people here's thing (Looking at you, Ghost)
Just be patient, and hope for the best!
By TheNew4
#111192 Even though you don't get accepted you can still watch the stream, that's pretty much what everyone is excited about, and the release afterwords.
By TheNew4
#111210 The stream will no doubt be very fun and exciting! :) I hope they don't show all the new models, even though some people might want that.
By zmann16
TheNew4 wrote:The stream will no doubt be very fun and exciting! :) I hope they don't show all the new models, even though some people might want that.

Yea i agree with you i would like it to be a secret unless i am playing it. :D
By TheNew4
zmann16 wrote:
TheNew4 wrote:The stream will no doubt be very fun and exciting! :) I hope they don't show all the new models, even though some people might want that.

Yea i agree with you i would like it to be a secret unless i am playing it. :D

Feel the same way! :) Looking forward to the release