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By Gong
#113042 No one has found one on our server, and we don't use any other mods. Several legendaries spawn every day, just about everyone has Mew/Mewtwo/Groudon, but still no legendary birds (also no Rayquaza or Kyogre).

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By JayPeaSize
Gong wrote:No one has found one on our server, and we don't use any other mods. Several legendaries spawn every day, just about everyone has Mew/Mewtwo/Groudon, but still no legendary birds (also no Rayquaza or Kyogre).

The default config option is set to false for shrine spawning, If this is set to true, you then need to go find chunks that not have been spawned yet... then you rely on chance for it to spawn.
By danyul0w0
#113197 I've not seen a temple personally yet, I've heard a few things thrown around about the Bird Shrines but I would like a little confirmation on something I am curious about, is a map reset necessary for the shrines to generate? I'm not too keen on resetting the map.
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Cole2211 wrote:can anyone send me a copy of the structure config file with it set as true?

why cant you jsut do it?
By grafikal
#113572 Has anyone tried just creating a flat world set to one of the biomes for a legendary bird and flying around? Understandably, it's not a survival game play tactic, but at least you'd be able to see what they look like so that you know what you're hunting for on your servers or SP Worlds.
By grafikal
Some Body wrote:You can see what they look like by going in creative. All three shrines are there.

I think they're less interested in seeing the single block that is the shrine, and more interested in seeing if that block spawns with a structure built out of the temple blocks. If so, they want to know what that looks like in survival.
By flamingdratini
grafikal wrote:
Some Body wrote:You can see what they look like by going in creative. All three shrines are there.

I think they're less interested in seeing the single block that is the shrine, and more interested in seeing if that block spawns with a structure built out of the temple blocks. If so, they want to know what that looks like in survival.

Thats exactly it, but I personally am also curious about the spawn rate because like i said, we already have so many of the other legendarys.