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By flamingdratini
#112123 I think 200 is perfectly fine but this is off topic to the main point of this thread. I still havent seen a shrine spawn naturally. And i really hope they spawn in temples not just a random shrine but thats just a nitpicky thing.

By flamingdratini
MrMasochism wrote:They are legendary birds after all...

I know, and the fact that they are rare is good, after all the game would be boring if they were candy, but its disheartening because my server has seen 3 groudons and at least 7 mews and a mewtwo, and among all the players we have at least 20 orbs. Maybe Its just a coincidence but i figured we would have at least seen 1 shrine with how many other legendaries spawned.
By Gong
#112150 I think I'm up to 9 orbs on the server I play on, and I'm still yet to find a shrine. I've looked for hours, too (way out in unexplored chunks).

I have Mew, Mewtwo, Groudon, and an extra master ball... no legendary birds :(.
By Dragon3d
#112477 I don't suppose there is any way to force an entire Temple to spawn?

I have no problem with making them rare but I am not interested in having a 1GB+ world file generated for the purpose of finding a temple (I already pruned back a 450MB world file after only a day or so). If I could force spawn the temples in I could to save the (5) people on my private server from extending the map beyond usable limits looking for these things.
By Harbinger
Dragon3d wrote:I don't suppose there is any way to force an entire Temple to spawn?

I have no problem with making them rare but I am not interested in having a 1GB+ world file generated for the purpose of finding a temple (I already pruned back a 450MB world file after only a day or so). If I could force spawn the temples in I could to save the (5) people on my private server from extending the map beyond usable limits looking for these things.

The server config might be set to "Spawn Bird Shrines"=false by default, I'm assuming it should be set to =true
I may be wrong though :D
By Dragon3d
Harbinger wrote:
Dragon3d wrote:I don't suppose there is any way to force an entire Temple to spawn?

I have no problem with making them rare but I am not interested in having a 1GB+ world file generated for the purpose of finding a temple (I already pruned back a 450MB world file after only a day or so). If I could force spawn the temples in I could to save the (5) people on my private server from extending the map beyond usable limits looking for these things.

The server config might be set to "Spawn Bird Shrines"=false by default, I'm assuming it should be set to =true
I may be wrong though :D

Oh I already found that config setting and made it true before I pruned my world back. But now I have everyone on my server flying around looking for them and no success. I would even take a config setting to up the frequency of temple spawns.
By flamingdratini
#112810 I dont know if anyone has found one yet but i literally used a xray texture packa nd flew for 2 hours after pruning the world and coudlnt find one. Maybe its another mod on my server conflicting with this one? I dont mean to be a pain but can somone atleast give a rough estimate how often they should spawn or somthing like that?