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By Hiddenmonkey10
#111604 Since the new song was added, I noticed the song (that I only know as the Flute theme in pokemon 2000 and if it's not that song, it sounds VERY similar) hasn't been playing. Has it been removed? Or is it an even more rare piece of music to get than before? If it's been removed, was it accidental, or for a reason? Sorry for all the questions! I'm just hoping to figure it out soon!

By TheNew4
#111606 Maybe it was by accident, or they are waiting to add it back on till Lugia gets accepted in a future update? It would be awesome to sync the song when Lugia spawns though!
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By ZeeCount
#111890 As of Pixelmon 3.0 the piece "A Simple Moment by the Sea" will no longer be in the mod. When I originally made this it was a nod towards the lugia theme for one of the other developers, but because I do not own the copyright for the piece, or have permission to produce a cover of it, we (Mr M and I) have decided to remove it from the mod