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By Nissalee
#111787 Just wondering if anyone else has been unable to track down Eevee. If so, I'll post it as a bug, but I want to be sure I'm not the only one.

By Aznpincer
#111882 Eevee's do spawn, have seen 2 so far on this server (been playing for a few days). I'm wondering if they took out the ditto's haven't seen any of them for a long while. Even in 2.5.7.
By Copy Cat Master
#111887 Ditto and eevee do spawn in 2.5.7 by the way. I do not see any of them in 3.0.1 yet. Probably because their spawn rate is changed or something.
By happypyro
Aznpincer wrote:Eevee's do spawn, have seen 2 so far on this server (been playing for a few days). I'm wondering if they took out the ditto's haven't seen any of them for a long while. Even in 2.5.7.

Dittos spawn in plains in 2.5.7, though they were uncommon. but in SPGs Mewtwo video a failed attempt at cloning resulted in a ditto, so maybe that's how you get them now.
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By Some Body
#111894 Eevee is a rare spawn in forests during the daytime.

Ditto no longer spawns normally, and the only way to get one is to fail to clone Mew.