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By happypyro
Some Body wrote:Considering the original post, the fact this is still in General Discussion instead of Off-topic, and the time when original post was made, this is probably related to Pixelmon 3.0 rather than Gen 6.

Ding Ding Dign!

By lugiaisbeast101
Some Body wrote:Considering the original post, the fact this is still in General Discussion instead of Off-topic, and the time when original post was made, this is probably related to Pixelmon 3.0 rather than Gen 6.

Oh I know, I was just screwing around.
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By Frisson
#115060 If the achievements were involved from the 3.0 update that's the part I enjoy a lot. I also adore various model updates! Especially since the new pidgeot uses actual wings when flying is wonderful.