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By SylSensation
#112953 Hello, well I go on in the heart of the matter, here I currently have a 3 pixelmon servers works best in France, but here we are in omgserv for hosting. And only 70 aa player's starting to lag it felt.
More friend youtuber with over 100,000 sub wishes to make a series on this server.

I therefore set a limit slot (example 200) but never shall stand omgserv 200 players

You advised me Fragnet a server at once.
What server at fragnet would be most suitable and what he have more?

Sorry my english very bad :)

By pegguinni128
#113065 I know you said you had bad English, but I cannot understand this at all. I think your problem is that you don't have a good server hosting company. Use McProHosting, it's the best server hosting server out there.. but one more thing: What does this have to do with pixelmon?
By floh22
pegguinni128 wrote:I know you said you had bad English, but I cannot understand this at all. I think your problem is that you don't have a good server hosting company. Use McProHosting, it's the best server hosting server out there.. but one more thing: What does this have to do with pixelmon?

you are joking right? McProHosting? You have got to be kidding me. Any Minecraft hosting service is overpriced. Get a good root host and learn how to do shit yourself. If you search for a bit you will find a lot better deals.