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By Vikerus
#10318 I recently created a Steamgroup for Pixelmon to help grow the community that much more quickly. Please join it and invite your friends.

With any luck we will attract some more contributors to help with modeling and coding.

By Yaseen
#10319 Ill join :D this is the third steam Pixelmon group im a part of xD
By Vikerus
Yaseen wrote:Ill join :D this is the third steam Pixelmon group im a part of xD

I noticed those other ones are private. Figured a public group is more appropriate.
By Yaseen
#10330 Yea there meant to be private because there pretty much developer groups and stuff but anyway this group was a great idea :D
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#10337 i would join, but my steam already blows up as is, i may join it in a day or so, no clue
By SirNessyUK
#10445 I joined, looking forward to speaking with you all.