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By ketiryu
#113100 I remember something about 2.5.7 being the last version for minecraft 1.6.4, but there still hasnt been a version for minecraft 1.7.2 D:

The developers are lying to us! D: when is pixelmon getting to 1.7.2? minecraft gets farther and farther a head of pixelmon, while were all stuck at 1.6.4, I just wanna know why were not at 1.7.2 at least, like the developers of this great mod have said we would be.... D:

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By MoeBoy76
#113101 the devs never said that 3.0 would be for 1.7, they thought it may have been a possibility, however they will update for 3.1 or 3.2
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By IceMan8030
#113131 As Moe stated Mr.M said that if a stable version of Forge for 1.7.2 was released before Pixelmon 3.0 was ready for release then he would make 3.0 for 1.7.3 but here we are a month later and there still is not a stable forge for 1.7.2 so that is why 3.0 is for 1.6.4.
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By MrMasochism
#113187 So we are lying to you are we? Did you bother to take the 5 mins or so it would need to read the last month or 2 of blog posts before coming here to sensationalize this? Or are you just going off something you might remember we might have said and trying to make us look bad?
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By IdeasMen123
#113366 Just take your time and read the many posts about why we're not in 1.7.2 yet...where did they "lie" to us though? I never even heard them say 3.0 or 3.0.1 would be for 1.7.2, and even IF they said that somewhere in the past, they covered it up, letting us know it will be for 1.6.4 and will update to 1.7.2 when a more stabled version of forge is released. Quit your whining please, the pixelmon team work hard and they don't need people telling them they're "lying"
By floh22
#113410 out of curiosity, what do you guys consider a stable version of forge? many modders are updating. of course i dont know how stable the builds really are, but what does it have to be to be considered "stable" by you guys?
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By MrMasochism
#113447 forge has been stable since about a week before we released 3.0. Due to that we were faced with the choice of releasing 3.0 for 1.6.4 or waiting another month to update it. We decided to release it and I'll start the update to 1.7 as soon as we've finished with 3.0. There'll be one more patch coming out in a day or 2 then we should be there