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#113655 I am trying to create a plugin for it.
By ErusPrime
AZTERIX_ wrote:I am trying to create a plugin for it.

I'm pretty sure the problem is the custom inventory. Pixelmon writes its own inventory screen and when you load up NEI, it doesn't expect it. The problem should be able to be fixed in client.gui.inventoryExtended.GuiInventoryPixelmonExtended.class

Let me know if you want help. I'm new to java but I can read it well and write a little and I'd like to get the experience fixing crash issues.
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By IceMan8030
#114485 ^ Craft Guide is what i use when playing Pixelmon and it works great. Yea its not a easy or as nice as NEI but it does the job.
#114486 yea, NEI is very useful, I've rewrote it for myself(to be compatible with Pixelmon,) the problem is I can't share it until I've made it entirely separate.