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By JJL1000
#113749 Hello all! JJL here, so anyways, I feel like the 2 Pokémon (Salamence, Mamoswine) should be able to be ridden. Now on to the Thank you's! Anyways, Thank you so much Mod Developers for Pixelmon 3.0! The only 2 mods I know are SPG and Mr. M, But any others, I'd like to meet ya! But thanks for Pixelmon! Must have tooken a LONG LOOOOOOOOONG time.


P.S Any ideas on when Kalos pokemon will be added? :D

Good bye!

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By MoeBoy76
#113752 i know that salamence was missed out as it actually has flying set already but is just not ridable, also, gen 6 will be added either once all the current gens are added and up-to-date or when gen 7 is released