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By Alcolyte
#113950 I thought Breeding was announced for Pixelmon 3.0, and I see the base of breeding as pokemon accept wheat like vanilla mobs, but is it just not finished yet or am I missing something?

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#113952 its only like that because they share soem of vanilla mob's code, we wont use it at all what so ever for breeding, and no, we never said it would be in 3.0 for sure
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By Alcolyte
#113965 That actually isn't true. Back in December, various new systems were being announced and breeding was one of them. The blog even stated a new guy was on board doing the code for it and he was making progress. It also said under that blog post that it would be ready for the next version.
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By Some Body
MrMasochism wrote:- Breeding! (In progress):
We have a new coder on board who is working hard on breeding. Looks like it could be ready for the next version!

"Could" isn't the same as "would". It shows uncertainty, and in the end it wasn't ready yet.