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By Vctr
#115031 Nemezis, you ask why? Ill answer that question.

Basically all the people who worked really hard on this mod and contributed a lot with the models are not going to send you a folder with all of the models so you can steal them and Implement them in somewhere alse, or even sell them.

People are not stupid.

And next time try to be more convincing, no offense but you must be extremely ignorant to think people are going to believe all those lies. If you would like to contribute something you will do it in the forum not by skype with Mr.M.

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By IdeasMen123
#115101 All of them you would do? That would be awfully slow progress my lad! Which is why we have a modeler team! However you can always make a model for Pixelmon for your favorite pokemon though :D There is no need to ask permission to model a pokemon! Just follow the rules and you'll do fine, however I would drop trying to do all of the pokemon.