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By nemezis
#114345 Plz add me on skype Mr.M want to talk to you about the pokemon models.
Who knows the Mr.m, to send him this message.

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nemezis wrote:Plz add me on skype Mr.M want to talk to you about the pokemon models.
Who knows the Mr.m, to send him this message.

why mr. m? im the person you want to talk to about models
#114489 Phht, as if he would... Maybe if you modeled, but 4 posts, none of which help Pixelmon in any major way, I wish I could have him add me as a contact and I have 103 more posts than you. Just sayin'

P.S. If you have anything you need from a dev/modeler/someone who knows pretty much everything about Pixelmon, ask SPG. Mr. M is hardly on the forums(he's way to busy adding all the things everyone whines needs to be added.) I also think we're really lucky to have some of the actual creators of the mod(like SPG) be so active on the forums and that is good enough. My suggestion if you REALLY want to be friends with SPG, just appreciate Pixelmon and do your best to help and contribute to it. Pixelmon is one of the best things there ever was. I like it better than minecraft(with any mods) or Pokemon.

Thank you.
IceMan8030 wrote:lol AZTERIX_ great post. I actually had a good little chuckle at this.

haha! just being honest;)
By nemezis
#114500 I just want to help in pixelmon. pokemon models do look much better, since I'm pretty good in blender
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By shadoowner
#114505 you can do that without having MrM or SPG on skype ;) you can see how other people do it + read <--- that before you start it, it has pretty much all the info you need to make models for pixelmon
#114518 /\ /\
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