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By Vctr
#114755 Hello, i have a question, im not suggesting a feature, im just asking if it would be possible:
I would like to know if it will be possible that in order to use a pokemon to mount on water you need to have an specific badge, in order to fly you need an specific badge, in order to mount on ground you need another specific badge.
I need this because basically i have a custom adventure pokemon map and I dont want people to go on the second town, get a pidgey, train it, evolve it and fly to the last town and get pokemons level 80, that would kill the rpg of the game.
Is there a plugin or something like that, i can config that?
also, i dont want side mods.
btw: I knwo there is a plugin that prevents you from going though places or flying though them, but the problem is that I want people that ahve the badge to be able to fly from city 5 into 2 for example.
Thank you :)

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By Menoshe
#114847 I'd look into a more mundane method of fast traveling around. If I know Minecraft 1.6 well enough, the /tp command should be able to teleport players to co-ordinates. Put the warps to towns you haven't visited yet behind iron doors with a lever on the inside, and make it so that, for example, when you warp from Town 6 to Town 3, you can open the door that will let you warp from Town 3 to Town 6.

Or, if you're feeling ambitious, make a minecart system. Kanto and Johto, and Unova had trains, didn't they? Why can't you do the same?

On the other hand, if riding pokemon perms could be changed with /gamerule, that would be cool too. >.>
By lugiaisbeast101
Menoshe wrote:I'd look into a more mundane method of fast traveling around. If I know Minecraft 1.6 well enough, the /tp command should be able to teleport players to co-ordinates. Put the warps to towns you haven't visited yet behind iron doors with a lever on the inside, and make it so that, for example, when you warp from Town 6 to Town 3, you can open the door that will let you warp from Town 3 to Town 6.

Or, if you're feeling ambitious, make a minecart system. Kanto and Johto, and Unova had trains, didn't they? Why can't you do the same?

On the other hand, if riding pokemon perms could be changed with /gamerule, that would be cool too. >.>

That didn't really help though, he wants to prevent people with flyable pokemon to skip cities and go to a much higher level city and either catch or boost off of those pokemon. However, he can use your method if he turned off riding.
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By Vctr
#114995 i though about the tp thing, but i really want to avoid it, i prefer it to be woth the mounts that fly, it gives a more rpg feeling, the thing is that the map im doing is like the gameboy games, so if someone is in gym 2 theyll get a pidgey, evolve it, go to gym 8 city and then get the strongests pokemons and come back to gym 2 and go though the game without any dificulty, ill like something that wil only let you fly if you beat it gym 6 for example.
Or another solution that would also work would be to have a plugin like the one that doesnt let you go though certain areas, but this one doesnt let you go from one side to another, but it lets you go from the other to the other.
Im not sire if i really explained what i mean.
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By Animalol
#115164 Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm quite sure that this feature will not be added. For one, there is no possible way to get badges in singleplayer. If this feature were added, it would have to stay on, or players would have to go into the config to change it to that rule. Many players do not like going into config. I doubt many would change the config for an Adventure Map. And, Adventure Map makers cannot redistribute Pixelmon (Pixelmon is not allowed to be redistributed by anyone), so they couldn't change the config and give players that modified Pixelmon folder. For two, it would be kind of a hassle, I think. Because there are so many different badges, and so many servers use different badges, each badge would need to have some sort of config or something. (Can't be sure, I'm not a coder or anything, so I am assuming.)

So what I suggest is this: either tell the people who want to play on your Adventure Map to turn off Pokemon mounting, or just tell them to not use it. There will be people who break these rules. There's nothing you can do about that. If they honestly want to play your Adventure Map and enjoy it, they'll play by the rules.
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By Vctr
#115245 it could be left as deafult in the config as it is right now and it could have an option to activate mounts working by badges, and there choosing which badge will work with each mount.
By cyanide64
#115276 Animalol is correct about the problems with custom badges but that could easily be solved by having to input the item ID number instead of having to choose one of the packaged ones. However having to forever have that badge/item in your inventory will be a incovenience.