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By Tailwind
#114769 I'm playing on a rather competitive Pixelmon server, and multiple people are telling me I am wasting my time trying to find "perfect" natures, due to the fact "natures are not in effect". Whenever I ask for a source on this fact, all people tell me is "a dev said it", which unless they can link me to a post, I'm counting as a bunch of bull.

So I figured I'd ask here. Are natures indeed working as intended, or am I dealing with a bunch of trolls trying to trick me?

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By MoeBoy76
#114775 they work 100%, you are either being trolled or they are getting old information (most likely if they use the wikia and not the pixelmon wiki or are ignorant to updates fixing things)
By Tailwind
#114778 Thank you both very much. If they were trolling me, then this doesn't hurt me at all since I thought to go confirm it before believing them. And if they're just ignorant, this gives me an edge. :)