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By bobbanana09
#116425 Whenever I use the trainer editor, after i battle a trainer gets spammed saying
"You can only battle this trainer once per mc day!"

Is there a I can fix this?


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By Ren
#116576 What do you mean by spammed?
Not what spammed means, but in what way are they being spammed and how much is it occuring.
I have tests trainers on my own server and havent come across this error.
There is an option within the trainer editor where you can simply change how much people can fight it.
ie: one time use, once per player, One time a day, etc.
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By shadoowner
#116729 this happens with trainers that can only be beaten once in a timespan and also forcebattle you when they see you, its a known issue and should be fixed in 3.0.3